
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Happy Birthday to I HEART EVERYTHING!

Omigosh!  It has been a whole year since my first blog post! My first post was on February 8th of 2010.  I started this lil' blog to show and tell my wacky collections and junking adventures.  I would have never guessed that it would become such a highlight of my week making posts and more enjoyably, reading the blogs of fellow vintage lovin' peeps. (This means you, dear bloggers!)

Now, what is that delicious smell in the it...*sniff* *sniff* - - a GIVEAWAY I smell?  Oh heck yes!  To celebrate I.H.E's 1st blog-birthday and the fact that over the past year I have managed to get a whoppin' 71 readers (more than I ever expected) I'm  throwin' a GIVEAWAY!   I don't know what it is gonna be just yet but safe to say there will be a collection of vintage items, and handmade goodness (made by yours truly)  I'll hammer out the details and post them really soon! 

Now, lets stroll down memory lane from this past year.  I have taken 1 photo from every blog post made last year.  56 posts in all!  Here's to many more! 

Whew! That's a lotta pics!  I have a lot in store for the next year, and I'm sure there will be unexpected events too.  You never know around here!  Thanks so much for reading I HEART EVERYTHING and stay tuned, same Bat Time, same Bat Channel. :-)  


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! What a lovely year it has been and what a delicious walk down memory lane. You are awesome and I HEART YOUR BLOG!

  2. Awww, Happy Birthday, DLB! (that would be, dear little blog, of course!) Fun to see all the pictures, can't wait to see what's next. Cake, anyone???

  3. OMIGOSH, yes! I do believe cake is in order! I might just have to go get some tonight...or perhaps b-day cake flavored frozen yogurt! Yeah, thats the ticket! Thanks for the Blog Birthday Greetings!

  4. Happy Birthday! I hope to read for another year!

  5. <3 I HEART I HEART EVERYTHING! Happy blog-a-birth-a-versary-day <3

  6. Happy Birthday I.H.E.! I always enjoy your posts, and I'm still dying to see that arcade. And a post about your camper ;-)

  7. Congrats on your blogiversary! I've only started reading recently but look forward to the next year in your blog! :)

  8. Congrats on the one year anniversary of you 'n' your blog!

  9. Hap-Hap-Happy Birrthdaaay!!! Wooo!
    To my favorite bestest blog pal! :D
    Have an enchanting evening my sweet!


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